Who gave Logan Paul the brass knuckles at SummerSlam 2023? Identity revealed

Logan Paul got the victory over Ricochet at WWE SummerSlam 2023. The competitors excitingly opened the show, with both getting the upper hand over each other at some point in the bout. However, The Maverick won after somebody from his corner gave him a brass knuckle.

The person who gave Logan Paul the brass knuckle at SummerSlam 2023 was his manager Jeff (Jeffrey) Levin, who also handles That Girl Lay Lay. The 36-year-old was born on October 8, 1986, in New Jersey. From 2010-2012, he worked as an agent trainee at International Creative Management before working with Paul.

Fans of The Maverick have seen Levin in several videos of the YouTuber and is mainly referred to as "Manager Jeff." He has been managing the 28-year-old since 2017.

Logan's win on tonight's SummerSlam event is a major one as this marked his first win since his bout against The Miz at last year's The Biggest Party of the Summer.

Which WWE star was Logan Paul pitched to face at SummerSlam 2023 aside from Ricochet?

Logan and Ricochet had their first collision on Royal Rumble 2023

Logan and Ricochet first encountered at this year's Royal Rumble match. However, one star Paul also had an exchange with before this year's Money in the Bank event was LA Knight. Interestingly, there was a reason for their encounter.

The Maverick previously revealed that The Megastar was another star pitched to become his opponent at SummerSlam. He faced the former Intercontinental Champion, and Paul even praised his opponent.

"There are two guys that I would potentially have a match with at SummerSlam. I don’t really know how this works, do I pitch to the company, do they pitch me. The two guys are Ricochet and LA Knight, for various reasons. So Ricochet is obviously, I think he’s probably one of the most athletic guys in WWE."

Why did Logan Paul vs. Ricochet opened WWE SummerSlam 2023?

The Maverick vs. Ricochet showcased the skills and athleticism of both men, and it wouldn't hurt to put them somewhere deeper along the card. However, their one-on-one needed to be put first for one specific reason.

It was previously revealed that Logan Paul made a special request to open SummerSlam 2023 so he could leave early to attend Jake Paul's boxing match. The latter is set to take on former UFC fighter Nate Fiaz at American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas.

Logan's win on The Biggest Party of the Summer could indicate that the story between both men is not finished yet. It remains to be seen when fans can see the YouTuber in WWE again.

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