Kelly Clarkson Has A Wholesome Moment Remembering Her Win At American Idol Twenty Years Ago

Celebrities often gain stardom through social media in this day and age. However, some celebrities gained their fame through competing on popular shows such as “X-Factor” and “American Idol”. Kelly Clarkson is one of the few celebrities known for her outstanding win on the show “American Idol” nearly two decades ago.

It seems Kelly has been reminiscing about her win and is now remembering the time she gained fame for the first time. In a recent Instagram post, Kelly posted about that time in her life and spoke about how she felt.

In the caption of her post, Kelly says “20 years ago today, I won American Idol and it forever changed the course of my life.” Kelly won the American Idol almost 20 years ago.

She also spoke about how winning the show had brought the many opportunities that she was very grateful for. She spoke up about how after winning the show, she had been able to accomplish so much more than she had thought.

Kelly in her caption also mentioned how she was utterly grateful for the friends and family that had supported her along the way on her journey. She said, “We only get so many trips around the sun, and while I am proud and feel abundantly blessed of the successes and failures that I have learned from, I am most proud and grateful for those friends that have become family.”

She spoke of how she was supported constantly by some of her closest people. She also stated that she would be nowhere without the constant support that she had received from her loved ones. The end of her caption read “I hope all of you have people in your lives that fill you with laughter, and hope, and happiness, and if you don’t feel like you have that, then keep searching because I promise you they’re looking for you too.”


Kelly’s post was extremely wholesome and fans adored the raw emotions that she displayed.
