Following the release of McDonald's new Grimace shake on June 12, people worldwide started creating disturbing memes about it. The clips would always start with a person set to try the new shake. However, right after they have a sip, something devastating would happen to them as they are seen on the floor, with the shake spilled all over themselves and the floor.
Grimace is one of many mascots McDonald's has had as part of its restaurants. Earlier, he was introduced as a villainous character known for stealing everyone's shakes. But later, his character transitioned into one that shared his love for shakes with everyone. Thus, to celebrate his birthday, McDonald's decided to release a new shake inspired by the character.
Anime fans take over Twitter with Grimace anime memes
Following McDonald's Grimace Shake trend on TikTok, anime fans could not stop themselves from creating their versions of the trend memes. Similar to the actual style, the anime versions also saw people trying the grimace shake, following which they were either found in pain, a pool of purple fluid, knocked out, or even dead.
The best part is how anime fans of all ages were able to take part in the trend. While one anime fan showed Berserk's Guts looking at a pool full of dead people, another anime fan created a meme, showing Neon Genesis Evangelion's Asuka in pain after drinking the shake.
Some of the more classic Shounen anime also got involved in the trend as fans made memes of One Piece and Dragon Ball characters trying the new McDonald's shake.
One Piece fans made several versions of the memes with different characters, however, one particular meme stood out the most. One fan created a Grimace Shake meme based on Portgas D. Ace's death. While fans considered the scene to be very emotional, they were able to put a funny twist to it by portraying that Ace's chest happened to explode after having the new shake.
As for Dragon Ball, with the number of deaths in the series, fans found it easy to create a meme based on the trend.
That said, comparatively newer anime series like Bungo Stray Dogs and Black Clover also became part of the trend. One Bungo Stray Dogs fan created a meme based on Sakunosuke Oda's death.
As for the Black Clover version, the meme had a twist to it, which saw Julius Novachrono enjoying the new McDonald's shake. However, instead of getting killed or passing away, Julius turned into Lucius Zogratis.
The meme seemed to be inspired by Snickers' advertisements where one isn't themself when they are hungry. Thus, Julius having the Grimace shake led him to reveal his true self, i.e., Lucius Zogratis.
Lastly, some of the latest anime also became victims of the trend as Chainsaw Man and Oshi no Ko came under the spotlight. The Chainsaw Man one seemed rather barbaric as Power could be seen rejoicing her kill, presumably after having a sip of the new McDonald's shake.
As for the Oshi no Ko one, it seemed much more creative and hit closer to the heart. In the video, Ai can be seen having a sip of the shake when she was being scouted by Ichigo Saitou. The clip then cut to her death at the hands of the stalker. The point to be noted is how Ai being scouted by Ichigo did actually end up killing her, making the meme even more grim.
As for the entire trend, given that it has been over two weeks since the shake's release, the trend may soon die down. Thus, anime fans can expect the last wave of the Grimace shake memes in the following days.
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